How to Make Your Oak Porch Even More Affordable

It’s been a tough few years, and we know not everyone has a lot of cash to spare for home renovation projects. Yet, as we’re forced to both work and socialise in our home spaces more often, having a neat and tidy home you can be proud of is even more important than ever. How can you squeeze an oak porch into your home budget without breaking the bank? Here’s some top tips from the Oak Porches UK team.

Oak is Affordable

Firstly, if you’re new to the world of green oak structures, you may be pleasantly surprised at the cost of an oak porch vs any other style. Not only are oak frame building projects ethical, sustainable, and very green, as well as a throwback to traditional British building techniques, they’re also very moderately priced next to other construction methods! Plus, they will usually add back a ton of value through additional curb appeal, and can even save you money through their natural insulative properties preventing pricey heat loss.

However, everyone has a budget to honour. How can you ‘trim the fat’ and make the very most of your oak porch budget?

Consider DIY

Oak Porches UK is proud to offer a range of nearly pre-built DIY oak porch kits. With the same high quality and attention to detail as our custom-fitted projects, you’re sure to find a design you love. 

Do be aware that a DIY oak porch kit will never be a one-man-band installation. The upper portion of your porch typically ships as a near-complete item, and it’s heavy! For your own safety, you will need at least a few other people to help with this key part of the project. However, hopefully you have a few mates who would not be averse to helping out for a beer and some good gossip.

A DIY oak porch is remarkably simple to handle, too. We make sure to provide clear instructions as to how to assemble the project, so provided you have solid basic DIY skills, we’re sure you’ll like the results of your project.

Prepare the Site Yourself

Of course, before you can get to adding your porch, you need to get the footings created. Here’s another opportunity to sub in DIY work instead of paying for someone in the trades to do it for you. It can be more arduous than the actual porch installation, and needs to be done correctly to ensure the long-term longevity of your porch, however. So don’t go at this part of the project with half a plan. Make sure you know what’s required, and how to best prepare the ground for your porch. Our helpful team is always happy to discuss this with you.

This goes for the rooftop as well, if it’s not in-built in the porch design. Let’s add a safety caveat, however- if you’re not comfortable at heights, and you don’t feel you’re up to DIYing this portion of the build, then bringing in a roofer for only this bit will still be cheaper than using tradies for the whole build.

Think Recycled

While everything you need oak-wise will arrive as part of your oak porch kit, remember that you have a lot of leeway regarding aspects like your chosen footings, the material used for walls and half walls, and so on. 

While it’s not always the best idea to look for second-hand (sometimes called ‘reclaimed’ or ‘recycled) building materials for lode-bearing projects, your porch will not be sustaining a great weight. Many second-hand building materials can be found in near-mint condition, too, and you’ll save a ton of money. Think bricks that have been raised from another project (or are simple leftover surplus), or gorgeous cast concrete and granite for pennies on what it would normally cost. 

You can also look at your own garden. If you’re envisioning cascading planter boxes, but don’t have the budget to just go and buy them all fresh, see what can be rooted or replanted from your existing space. You’ll probably be pleasantly surprised how fast they grow into the lush cascade you want.

If the idea of recycled building material doesn’t appeal, then simply think low-cost. Modern materials have come so far that you can often achieve a luxurious look for a fraction of the cost of some top-end building materials. One classic example is stamped concrete, which can be artfully coloured and etched to mimic far higher-end materials and may also (in the case of wood patterns) last a lot longer than the original inspiration.

Keep It Simple

An oak porch is going to be eye-catching and add to curb appeal no matter what design you take. And sometimes, simple may even be better for the face of your property, too. While we know it’s tempting to consider all the bells and whistles for your new frontage, remember that a sleek and simple design will often be more budget-friendly, yet create the same massive impact that fancier structures can.

Likewise, when you choose from our stunning catalogue of existing designs, it will work out cheaper than going for a fully bespoke design. This has nothing to do with the looks or quality of the project, simply that the build is already in our system and easier to create fast than when we design from scratch. Plus, every design looks different when blended into your home, so no one will even know. You can still have a beautiful new home feature without the costs of full bespoke.

And there you have it! There’s many ways you can reduce the cost of an oak porch build, especially if you have solid DIY skills. And remember, the helpful team at Oak Porches UK is always here to discuss your project and help you make the most of your budget, too, so don’t be shy to reach out today.