Why Every Home Needs an Oak Porch

If you’re looking for a home improvement project that’s easy to complete and will add value to your home this winter, why not consider an oak porch? Here at Oak Porches UK, it’s no surprise that we believe every home needs an oak porch. Today we will show you exactly why! Not only are oak porches trendy and stylish, but the right porch design will complement your home, make it both practical and more welcoming, and reinvent how you feel about it. 

Why choose oak porches?

Of all the potential porch designs out there, what makes an oak porch stand out? Oak is a lovely wood that draws the eye- after all, it’s been used in heritage construction for millennia. It balances those good looks with practicality, too, as it hardens as it dries out, leaving you with a porch that’s stronger every year and will hold up to the weather and passing of time both. It’s mold-resistant and banishes bugs by its very nature, and will get better looking as it ages, too. 

With this practicality comes a flexibility of design, as wood is easy to shape to your tastes. No matter what porch design you use, however, oak also brings vibrancy and warmth to the table in a way masonry simply can’t. Drips of rain on oak look like an Instagrammable moment. Dreary wet concrete? Not so much. Add to that a simple installation and delightfully cost-effective budget, it’s one of the best ways to give your home a facelift there is. 

Why start with an oak porch?

Of all the home improvements you could tackle, why put an oak porch at the top of your list? We’ve discussed its charms, but porches are also a very practical addition to the home. From using them as a mini mud room or place to towel down the dogs, to simply using it as a landing spot for the shopping, they add versatility and space. 

Porches have always been the official ‘transition zone’ between the street and home, and that’s a border many UK homes lack. With a porch, you develop that connection between street, garden, and home, without it feeling jarring and immediate. 

Porches are also a great way to bring an instant facelift to a home with nearly no hassle. Whether you’re lucky enough to already own a gorgeous country-style home and want something to compliment it, or want to enliven a drab brick or 60s concrete structure, a porch can reshape the front of the home without unnecessary fuss or disruption. Plus, it’s an eco-friendly, sustainable, and natural building style. 

Do I need planning permission?

Many home improvement projects die because of bureaucratic irritation trying to get them greenlit. The Crown, after all, isn’t known for making these things easy, and the list of rules you can be presented with for even the easiest projects can be daunting. 

The great news is, however, that under UK law, outbuildings typically don’t need planning permission, and your porch will count as an outbuilding. There are some rules and exceptions, however. Generally, you need to keep it under the 1 storey mark (perfect for a porch), stay within ‘your’ area and not intrude on the council pavement, and watch out for the curtilage and other areas on listed buildings. Building in protected nature areas can sometimes need more approval, too. You also can’t cover more than 50% of your land with the new addition- but at that size, it wouldn’t be a porch now would it!

So, unless it is a listed building or a protected area, we can near guarantee you don’t need planning permission. You can often get a structure like an oak porch approved even in these areas, too. While we’d always encourage you to check with your local council just to be sure, you can probably get this home improvement project up hassle-free.

Do oak porches really boost curb appeal?

Curb appeal is a bit of a nebulous concept. Your home has a ‘book value’, based on how desirable it is, its internal amenities, and your neighbourhood, neighbouring homes, and nearby facilities. Many of these can be quantified easily- you are either near a school, or not, for example. ‘Curb appeal’ is harder- but it’s a critical part of the valuation and sales potential of your home. 

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and that’s as true for buildings as anything else. Quirky homes can sell as easily as a classically pretty one. Yet there is definitely a pattern to what attracts buyers, and real estate agents will tell you that clean lines, well-kept, and with an attractive style well-blended with practicality are key. 

An oak porch is an easy way to facelift a drab frontage, add a practical space, and tie together any clashing design elements all in one. To add to the appeal, it’s a project you can get up and done quickly, with no danger of it dragging on and on. We even offer DIY porch kits you can do yourself if you’re handy!

Taking your home from drab to fab is easy with an oak porch in your home improvement arsenal. Let Oak Porches UK help you take your dreams of loving your home and make them a reality today. It doesn’t matter if the winter weather’s trying to get you down, your home will always look fantastic with a beautiful oak porch installed.