It’s Christmas (Planning) Time! Get Your Home Looking Great Before the Rush

As summer wanes and we start looking forward to the dazzling year-end rush of holidays, parties, guests, and fun, there’s never been a better time for you to get ahead of the Christmas crunch and get your home ready for a festive season that everyone will remember. With the ease and simplicity of an Oak Porches UK porch add-on, you can have the best house on the block long before your neighbours even think of dragging out the Christmas decorations- hassle-free!

The Construction Christmas Holiday

As anyone who’s had a home emergency knows all too well, it’s custom for the building and construction trade in the UK to close for a lengthy period over the year-end holidays. While there’s no fixed date for this protracted closure, and every firm does it a little differently, it’s rare indeed to find a ‘tradie’ working past the closest Friday to the 19th of December.

No one is doing it to spite you, no matter how it may feel if you have a last-minute job to handle! No matter what industry you work in yourself, you know that getting stockists that are open, sourcing supplies, and other day-to-day business activities gets tougher as the festive season gets underway. With more people on leave, orders take longer to fulfil, too. In the construction trades, this supply-line interruption gets even stickier, especially for custom orders and unusual parts. And your team wants your job to be a success.

No one wants to over-promise and under-deliver because their supply-line was on holiday instead of fulfilling orders. Plus, construction and home maintenance is one of the few job areas in the modern workplace where hard physical labour is a given. It’s good for workers to take some time off to destress and rest, ready to face the glut of new January orders with a fresh face.

Couple that with the dingy weather that can sometimes hit the UK at the end of the year, making outdoor work near-impossible at times, and it’s easy to see why the year-end holiday makes sense for industry insiders. Yet it’s also the time of year where New Year’s resolutions, and the rush to get homes ship-shape for festive parties, starts to creep onto homeowner’s radars. Your grungy entrance area didn’t bother you so much when you were spending most of your time outdoors in the summer. Now your mother-in-law is arriving imminent, ready to pick apart your hospitality, it’s a different story.

Luckily, you’re smart, so planning ahead is the name of your game. And the Oak Porches UK team is here to help!

Beat the Rush- Order Your Oak Porch Today

Now the summer holidays are over, and it’s time to get serious for the last stretch of the year. It’s also the perfect weather for some home improvement. While summer rains aren’t entirely off the cards, the weather is typically pretty clement and forgiving for the stretch into the festive season. It’s not too hot to tackle a DIY job if you’re in the mood, and professional contractors aren’t too booked up to squeeze you in before the holiday season. With supply lines running as normal, you can get what you want in a timeous manner, and you have time to plan (and breathe) before the social whirl at the end of the year. Plus, no chance of finding your contact person is on leave already. So there’s no better time than the present to make your home improvement dreams a reality.

Why Your Home Needs an Oak Porch

For most homes, the front façade is the literal face you present to the world. And you know what they say- first impressions matter! Yet a full external home renovation can get pricey fast, and may be more hassle than you’re looking for. Likewise, the permitting for extended large renovations can be a nightmare in itself.

Luckily for you, there’s another solution. Not only will an oak porch kit lift and modernise the front of your home, it also gives you extra space and convenience, too. Can you say win-win? Whether you’re looking for some extra storage for those Christmas presents, or just want to make your home look fresh and new again with little hassle, an oak porch is a great way to freshen your living space and renew your home.

Our oak porch range has been designed to cater for a huge variety of tastes and styles of home, so you’re sure to find the perfect match. From simple, fuss-free lean-to designs that will fit easily into any space, to extravagant new entryways that show off your home’s character, there’s plenty to choose from. No matter what the core look of your home is, there’s an oak porch that will make it perfect.

With our standard oak porch kit range, you have the option for a DIY install if your skills run that way, or our professional team can help you get it installed in no time. Choose from our range of existing designs for a speedy facelift, or chat to our team if you have special aspects to consider, live in a listed building, or want a bespoke design.

The friendly and helpful Oak Porches UK team is always on hand to help you make your home renovation dreams a reality, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us today. By Christmas, you’ll have an exquisite new oak porch ready to welcome guests to your home (and show off to the neighbours a little).